Brewers of Pennsylvania

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Brew: The Museum of Beer

Pittsburgh, PA   ~   EST. BOP Membership Sept 2016


Pittsburgh, PA 15212



About Us

Why a Beer Museum?

Beer is at the heart of- and may have been a major factor in- the birth and development of civilization.

Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world, the 3rd most popular beverage overall.

Much of the history of beer is fascinating. Learning about beer can be almost as fun as drinking it!

We have spent the better part of the last three years building a groundswell of community and industry support for a national museum of beer. This year, we will be launching a crowdfunding campaign to aid us in bringing BREW: The Museum of Beer to life.

If you are interested in following along with our progress, please subscribe to our newsletter so that you will be among the first to hear when we launch our campaign. If you are as passionate about beer as we are, we know you’ll find yourself right at home. Drop us a note and let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you for visiting
National Beer Museum Development Corp.

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