Brewers of Pennsylvania

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Setting the Record Straight on Franchise Reform Laws

Dear Members of the Pennsylvania House & Senate:

Attached please find an important article published by the Brewers Association, the Brewers’ national trade organization. The Brewers Association has published this article in order to address misinformation and rumors surrounding the need for reform of archaic beer franchise laws in Pennsylvania.

There is an appetite by other stakeholders in this discussion to connect other important issues for our industry and our members, which isn’t productive and continues to stall our good intentions. The attached article sets the record straight.

As you are aware, Senate Bill 1088 and House Bill 1666 is before you for your consideration and this is something that the Brewers of Pennsylvania (BOP) strongly support. The BOP is over 50 members strong with business owners in every part of our Commonwealth.  We employ more than 2,600 citizens of the commonwealth, and in 2011 we had an estimated direct economic impact of $1.1B.

We ask for your full support of Senate Bill 1088 and House Bill 1666 and should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the BOP.

Members of the Board of the Brewers of Pennsylvania

Bill Covaleski
Victory Brewing Company
President, Brewers of Pennsylvania

Jessica Paar
Samuel Adams
Vice President, Brewers of Pennsylvania

David Casinelli
Yuengling Brewery
Treasurer, Brewers of Pennsylvania

Chris Trogner
Troegs Brewing Company
Secretary, Brewers of Pennsylvania

Artie Tafoya
Appalachian Brewing Company
Director, Brewers of Pennsylvania

Tom Kehoe
Yards Brewing
Director, Brewers of Pennsylvania

Damien Malfara
Old Forge Brewing Company
Director, Brewers of Pennsylvania