Brewers of Pennsylvania

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Brewers of Pennsylvania to Host 2017 Mid-Atlantic Brewers’ Symposium in State College

Pa. Representative Paul Costa, Liquor Control Democratic Chair, to Keynote

HARRISBURG, PA (8.16.17) – The Brewers of Pennsylvania (BOP), the state’s official brewers guild, will host the third annual Mid-Atlantic Brewers’ Symposium, which will feature a keynote address from House Liquor Control Committee Democratic Chairman, Paul Costa. This important two-day event begins on Thursday, September 7 with a Welcome Reception followed by the Symposium on Friday, September 8, featuring eight 45-minute seminars from leaders in the craft brewing industry. The Symposium will take place at the Penn Stater Hotel & Conference Center in State College, Pa. one day before the intrastate rivalry football game between Penn State and Pitt.

“Each year, the BOP Mid-Atlantic Symposium has grown with brewers throughout the state receiving valuable education and insight into the business, science, and network of brewing,” said Dan LaBert Executive Director of the Brewers of Pennsylvania. “This influential event is geared toward helping Pa. brewers, big and small, build their brand and increase business, while also giving them a unique perspective on Pennsylvania’s ever-changing craft beer landscape.”

Due to the recent changes in Pennsylvania liquor laws, presenters at the Symposium, co-sponsored by American KegBad Rhino, and  Wells Fargo, will review those changes, and educate brewers on the impact they have on Pennsylvania brewing.

The Welcome Reception on September 7 will take place at Letterman’s Sports Grill & Gastro Pub from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The Mid-Atlantic Brewers Symposium the following day will begin at 8 a.m. with a breakfast followed by a State of the Union address from Chris Lampe, BOP President, and Co-owner of Weyerbacher Brewing Company. Pa. House Liquor Committee Co-Chairman, Paul Costa (Pa. District 34, serving Allegheny County) will be the keynote speaker during the Symposium Luncheon.

Seminars include Legal Updates, Producing Hard Cider and Federal/PA Labeling Requirements, Think Like a CFO, Current and Future Plans for Hops Trials and Research, Brewing Up Capital, Funding Brewery Expansion, Great Beer is Not Enough: How Social Media Can Create Raving Fans and Increase Consumer Demand, and Protect Yourself and Your Brewery.

The Mid-Atlantic Brewers Symposium is free to BOP members (two-person representation). Paid participation is required by non-member licensed breweries and homebrewers.  Click for more information on the Mid-Atlantic Brewers’ Symposium.