Brewers of Pennsylvania

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Grist House Brewing

Pennsylvania 15209, PA   ~   EST. 2012


10 Sherman Street
Pennsylvania 15209, PA 15209




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About Us

If you are on this website, you may be curious “Just who the heck is Grist House Brewing?”

Well, if you are already a craft beer fan or perhaps you have thought to yourself, “man I would really enjoy some delicious locally made beer” then read on my friend.  If you are like us, you are often curious to read a good story about why a brewer or brewery is brewing beer or perhaps you are just looking for a good reason to give a brewery some of your hard-earned money in exchange for some delicious beer.  If that is the case, here is our story and we hope you will find Grist House Brewing worthy of your patronage.

In early 2012, after several years of home brewing (stop us if you’ve heard this line before…) Kyle and Brian (child-hood friends, brother-in-laws, brewers extraordinaire and all around nice guys) got the bright idea that maybe, just maybe, people would enjoy drinking their beers as much as they do.  And so, Grist House Brewing was born…the end.

Well, not really the end, perhaps just the beginning, but if you know Brian and Kyle (which if you stop by Grist House Brewing, you will) once they get onto an idea they are passionate about achieving it, come hell or high water.

Armed with a passion for great, locally made craft beer and the desire to introduce as many people as possible to said beer, Kyle and Brian set forth bringing their dream to fruition.

If you want the nitty-gritty details of what it takes to open a craft brewery, stop in for a pint and a member of the Grist House family (most likely Kyle or Brian) will regal you with everything you want to know.

In the meantime, know this: everyone at Grist House Brewing has a deep passion for craft beer and the people who drink it.  Our goal is to bring the great people of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania quality beers brewed to our high standards, which we are proud to serve, and we believe you will truly enjoy!

Cheers/ Na zdrowie / Slainte

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