Have you read our 6 Social Media Tips for Craft Brewers? In addition to maintaining a consistent presence on social media with high-quality images, creating movement and video can drastically increase engagement with consumers. People love to see the personalities and processes behind the products, and creating short videos is a great way to do that. With options from taking a short cell phone video to hiring a production team, video is a tool that can be used successfully by breweries of any size.
1. Movement Engages
According to a survey by Animoto: “Four times as many consumers would rather watch videos about products than read about them,” and “80 percent of consumers say a video showing how a product or service works is important when learning about a company.” Video or a moving graphic is much more likely to catch a viewer’s eye on the never-ending news feed than even the nicest photo. Leverage the action involved in brewing and packaging your beer! Voodoo Brewery consistently shares candid glimpses into their canning line and brewery expansion.
2. It’s a Storytelling Platform
A video can share a story about beer, a staff member or the company in general. Creating a documentary-style short about your brewmaster or giving a glimpse into the brew day brings customers behind the scenes, and will keep them coming back for more information. You can give your followers in-depth walkthroughs of your space or vivid breakdowns of new beers and the ingredients used to make them through in-house creation or outsourcing. Tröegs has a wonderful history of creating video.
3. Establish Your Personality
Creating a personality around your brand can come naturally through video. With the many faces that make up a brewery, personalities can “collide” in all sorts of ways. Those fun and laughable moments are best shared on video. When those minds step up to bat, or say, create a Star Wars x-wing out of beer packaging, that’s when things can really get exciting. We’re, of course, speaking of Philadelphia’s Yards.
4. It’s a Valuable Investment
Video continues to grow as a content marketing must as people look to online videos for information and entertainment on an increasingly regular basis. The increased level of engagement offered by video, paired with the decreasing cost of production, has given small breweries the opportunity to share high-quality video content about their brand at an affordable cost. According to a study by The Aberdeen Group: “Video marketing is utilized by more than 90 percent of the companies surveyed and it is playing an ever-growing part in the content-marketing mix, thanks to a significant positive contribution to return on investment.” Video can help your brand build an identity, connect with your audience and contribute to real-world success.
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The Brewers of Pennsylvania is a nonprofit trade association that brings together leaders of Pennsylvania-based breweries in order to promote and protect the brewing industry in the state. Established in 2011, the Brewers of Pennsylvania serves the consuming public of Pennsylvania by encouraging brand diversity in the market. We believe in the nobility of brewing and hold dear the great traditions and history of Pennsylvania brewing.
Featured photo credit: BigStock