Brewers of Pennsylvania

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Hop Farm Brewing Company

Lawrenceville, PA   ~   EST. 2010


5601 Butler Street
Lawrenceville, PA 15201




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About Us

Hop Farm Brewing Company is Pittsburgh’s newest addition to the craft beer community. Our passion for beer and having green thumbs meant that growing hops was a natural addition. In July of 2009, Matt graduated from the American Brewers Guild’s Brewing Science and Engineering program and began his professional brewing career as an apprentice at the Iron Hill brew pub in Lancaster, PA. This experience, education and passion eventually led to the formation of Hop Farm Brewing Company. Hop Farm Brewing Company has been developing its own private hop yard over the last four years and is working with local and regional farmers in an effort to increase the annual harvested hop acreage in western Pennsylvania. Like grape vines, hops produce unique, delicate and aromatic differences dependent on where they are grown. We embrace the farm to table approach and incorporate our hops in every batch we brew, with the goal of eventually using 100% Pennsylvania hops in most of our beers. As a small brewer we realize our responsibility and the need to conserve our resources. We plan to use local and domestic ingredients and equipment whenever possible and are dedicated to monitoring and decreasing our water consumption year after year. Organic, local and green are more than just buzz words to us, but a part of our day to day philosophy as we strive to make the some of the best artisan beer in the region.

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