Brewers of Pennsylvania

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BOP Response to HB790

We Brewers of Pennsylvania respect the efforts of Governor Corbett and members of the House of Representatives to deliver meaningful and respectful change to our 80 year old liquor regulations, in an effort to benefit and offer convenience to all consumers of alcoholic beverages in our Commonwealth.

However, we firmly believe that the time is right to make a change. Though we have concerns that certain provisions of HB790 could be harmful to the brewing industry in PA – an industry that invests millions of dollars and employs thousands of citizens in the Commonwealth – we believe that HB790 offers a viable vehicle for productive change. If this bill moves forward, we expect that we’ll be afforded the opportunity to advise the Senate on further positive changes to this vehicle.

We have confidence that the Senate will consider and act upon the best interests of all citizens of Pennsylvania.

Bill Covaleski
Brewers of Pennsylvania